
  • Supporting the development of sustainable, ecological transport, and the protection of passenger rights and the rights of railway infrastructure users.


  • encouraging the development of sustainable and ecological transport
  • protecting and helping to enforce passenger rights and the rights of railway infrastructure users
  • establishing a level and fair playing field for all the players in the transport industry
  • improving the image of the Polish railway
  • encouraging the development pro railway transport policy
  • supporting and undertaking actions aimed at improving the quality of railway infrastructure and railway safety
  • campaigning for an increase in the level of railway investment and the better use of available funds
  • supporting initiatives to improve safety on the railway
  • supporting initiatives to improve the Polish railway law and regulations bring them closer to best practice in the EU
  • campaigning for an increase in EU financial support for the development of railways in Polan

Key activity areas

  • industry representation
  • public affairs
  • media relations
  • communication and lobbing
  • networking and promotion